The history of the Felsenstein Medical Research Center (FMRC) starts with World War II when twin brothers Basil Saul and Gerald Cecil Felsenstein, the sons of Arthur and Tilly Felsenstein lost their lives while serving in the Royal Air Force, their burial place unknown. Basil and Gerald fought for a better world.
Their young brother, Mr. Alan Fenton, together with his wife Priscilla, wished to create a meaningful memorial for the twins that would mirror the Basil and Gerald's fight for the improvement of mankind.
Believing that a medical research center benefitting Israel's and the world's population would be a operational commemoration of his brothers, epitomizing their dream and faith in the future, Mr. Fenton supported the creation of the Basil and Gerald Felsenstein Medical Research Center, the cornerstone of which was laid in 1988.
A man of worldwide experience, being an author and also having established an international trading company, Mr. Fenton was party to all decisions of design and building of the FMRC. He was involved in FMRC's development. With Mr. Fenton's contribution, the creation of the medical research center was realized. The location of the FMRC in the Rabin Medical Center , a premier tertiary clinical campus, offers a unique opportunity for academic physicians/scientists to conduct leading clinical research in Israel.