Fertility Research

המעבדה לחקר ושימור הפוריות
Head of the lab:
Prof. Arnon Vizniter, Prof. Yoel Fish and Dr. Yoel Shofaro
Lab Manager:
Prof Ronit Abir
Phone: 03-9376790, 03-9377618, 0523-838034
email: ronita@clalit.org.il
Research team:
    כוכבה צוברי    
    קריסטין גאנאים (M.Sc)    
Research Areas:

Background: Despite the increased survival of young women after cancer treatment, a chemotherapy-induced-side effect is oocyte and fertility loss. Despite livebirths from transplanted-frozen/thawed ovarian tissue in women, developing methods to increase post-implantation graft vascularization is essential. Maturing oocytes in vitro would eliminate disease retransmission-risk. Methods to protect the ovary from chemotherapy are needed. 

Working hypothesises: 

  1. Neuronal growth factors+bio-engineered matrices can increase human in-vitro folliculogenesis.
  2. Various compounds and matrices can improve neovascularization after grafting.
  3. Nonylphenol-ethoxylate 10 (NP10) exposure will decrease the ovarian reserve. 

Methods: Cryopreservation/thawing of human ovarian tissue, ovarian culture and transplantation, follicular counts and classification, immunocytochemistry, hormonal assays.

Expected results: Neuronal growth factors+bio-engineered matrices will stimulate human follicular development in culture. Various compounds will increase neovascularization after grafting. NP10 will reduce ovarian reserve.   

Preliminary results: 

  1. Three neuronal growth factors+polyethylene-glycol (PEG)-fibrinogen promoted folliculogenesis.
  2. Immunodeficient mice (host) treatment with melatonin and human ovarian tissue pre-grafting incubation with hyaluronan+vitamin E+vascular endothelial growth factor A; human recombinant virgin collagen implanted with human ovarian tissue; human ovarian tissue implanted within fibrin clots+host treatment with simvastatin promoted the best results. 
  3. Protection of follicle reserve and response to gonadotropins increased with NP10, but NP-10+cyclophosphamide was unable to protect the ovary.

Contact details
Abir Ronit Mobile: 052-3838034
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