Experimental Hematology

המעבדה להמטולוגיה ניסויית
Head of the lab:
Prof. Pia Raanani, M.D
Phone: 03-9377905, 03-9377906
email: Piar@clalit.org.il,
Lab Manager:
Dr. Galit Granot, PhD
Phone: 03-9376795, 052-8368829
email: galitg@clalit.org.il
Research team:
    ד"ר איילה גובר-פרואקטור    
    ד"ר סער שפירא    
    ד"ר שירלי פרטוש    
    עלא אלדין סמארה (תואר שלישי)    
Research Areas:

Our lab is a translational research lab. One of our main strength is the tight collaboration with the physicians from the Hematology Division at the Davidoff Cancer Center. Our primary field of interest is finding novel or better therapies for the treatment of incurable hematological malignancies. Our projects focus on understanding the effect of new agents on different leukemias and lymphomas and on exploring the deleterious side effects caused by customary agents used today. In addition, we are studying the molecular pathways involved in the initiation and maintenance of hematological tumorigenesis and are trying to understand the effect of the different agents on these molecular pathways. We use a variety of advanced molecular and cellular techniques utilizing in-vitro, patient derived ex-vivo and in-vivo models. Our ultimate goal is to translate our research data and results into improved, more advanced therapeutic options for hematological malignancy patients


Research Topics

1. Pathogenesis of tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI) associated vascular disease in chronic myelocytic leukemia (CML).

2. NETosis in CML and the effect of tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) on NETosis.

3. Utilizing exosomes to target specific hematological malignany cells.

4. Mechanism of the anti-tumoral activity of deferasirox on mantle cell lymphoma.


Contact details
Granot Galia Mobile: 052-8368829
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